5-Minute Anxiety and Stress Relief

Find a deeper state of peace and ease in just 5 minutes! In this 5-minute guided meditation for anxiety and stress relief you can quickly experience the calm, flow and ease that you are naturally designed for. This heart coherence is based on the HeartMath Institute's research-based technique.

Have 5 minutes between meetings? Need some quick support at the end of a long day? Before an intense conversation? This is a highly effective way to create a calmer and focused mind so your body can access more energy. Use over and over again to help rewire and retrain your body and mind to set a new baseline for your daily life.

Based on the research from the HeartMath Institute, I begin all my private hypnosis sessions and most all my recordings with HeartMath techniques as they are shown to create amazing states of rejuvenation and heart coherence in the mind and body. As one of their professional trainers, I know these work!

This short video is also embedded with brain entrainment and quantum healing frequencies that are inaudible but help your mind and body relax and discover more peace.


Deep Sleep Hypnosis


Anxiety for Empaths