What is this all about?

If you could change consciously, you would, wouldn't you? However, if you are unable to make your desired changes consciously, then the unconscious mind may be running the show. Through the use of hypnosis and other complementary techniques, I can guide you to make positive changes at an unconscious level.

Individualized for you, we will use a unique combination of hypnosis, Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT), energy healing (Quantum Harmonization), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy™, HeartMath techniques and other tools to give you the most effective results and the highest level of transformation. Each of these methods alone are amazing, and when used together, they pack a powerful punch.

With my scientific educational background and over two decades of work experience, I am always looking for the latest research to share with my clients in order to maximize their potential. I am constantly upgrading my techniques and sharing the current scientific findings so you can experience how you can redesign your life from the inside out.

You Already Know How to Do This…

The latest research shows that our brains, hearts and bodies are wired for change, wired to be a state of coherence and wired to want connection and ease. Unfortunately, our society and our schools don’t teach us how to optimize this ability.

Instead, the collective believes is it “normal” to be stressed out, and a badge of pride to be anxious and running on empty. Our bodies weren’t made for this constant flight, flight, freeze, (fawn and hide) mode.

We are wired for something greater. We only have to reclaim (and retrain ourselves for) the ability to set a new baseline for our daily lives that is founded on how we were truly meant to live. Once we tap into that innate wisdom and power, we find a much greater source of potency and ease.

  • Despite the advanced hypnotherapy techniques that I use with clients combined with the latest scientific research, I do not "cure" anyone of their issues. Even though it may seem like a "quick fix" to be free from an issue in just several sessions, my unique approach is to help you get to the deep, underlying core of your issue quickly. Unlike other therapies that work overtime, I will help you find your power within to retrain your mind at an unconscious level, right away.

    With these techniques in place, it is possible to let go of issues you've been holding on to for years, even decades. In fact, I have witnessed people let go of 40 years of PTSD, 20 years of guilt, a decade of depression, and a lifetime of phobias and anxiety. So no matter how long you've been holding onto an issue, no matter how big or how small, my goal is to help you get your desired results.

  • A growing number of people are awakening to new possibilities in their lives, no longer doing what they "should" be doing according to society, but seeking self-discovery, purpose, and meaning in their lives. When someone simply cannot see a way of getting to where they want to be, or does not know how to orient their life around these changes, then a success coach can help with both.

    Many are becoming aware of and open to the various alternative therapies out there, as more scientific evidence is being revealed about the effectiveness of positive psychology, hypnosis and other methods.

    Evidence of people dramatically changing their lives through directing and focusing their minds and hearts, in combination with inspired action is becoming more and more common.

  • Yes! There are several decades of research about the effects of hypnosis on the brain and the science behind HeartMath techniques. For more information, click here.