What Is Time Line Therapy™?

Time Line Therapy™ (TLT) was created by Dr. Tad James, and is a method to help free you from issues in your past so that you can move forward with your desires and goals for the future.  Time Line Therapy™ has become widely known over the years as a very effective way to help clients achieve their desired results quickly without trauma or distress, while creating comfortable and lasting changes. 

A gentle way to heal from the past, freeing up energy and increasing vitality…

In our sessions, we can effectively merge Time Line Therapy™ techniques, in combination with Hypnosis, NLP, and HeartMath techniques in order to enable you to be free of issues from your past that have been blocking you from living your best life in the most successful way possible. Issues and traumatic events that have persisted since as early as childhood can suddenly be neutral memories, freeing you to live your life more powerfully and gain emotional control over your life.

Time Line Therapy™ can help you break free of:

  • Negative Emotions/Feelings

  • Limiting Beliefs/Decisions

  • Anxiety

  • Grief

  • Trauma

  • And more...

And help you:

  • Set and achieve goals or outcomes

  • Live your life more freely

  • And create the life you want now

Lasting behavioral change begins at an unconscious level. By becoming aware of your "time line," you will learn how you store all of your unconscious memories at a subconscious level. Conscious decisions to change are most effective when conducted at this level. Time Line Therapy™ does not erase or suppress memories. It also isn’t about reliving a traumatic event. Instead, it is gentle yet incredibly effective method for helping you gain more freedom, energy and direction over your emotional state and overall energy levels on a daily basis.

As best described by Dr. Tad James, the Time Line Therapy ™ process allows you to work at the unconscious level to release the effects of negative beliefs, decisions and emotions arising from past experiences. It brings about changes in “inappropriate” programming in minutes rather than days, months or years.

Unwarranted emotional reactions such as unreasonable sadness, anger, depression, anxiety and fear or phobic reactions are responsible for preventing people achieving what they want in life. I use Time Line Therapy ™ in combination with NLP, hypnosis, and HeartMath techniques, as an extremely effective way to help you gain emotional control over your life. 


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